
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
In your alone time: 10 Journaling Prompts
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E15
In your alone time: 10 Journaling Prompts
When you have a little time alone, try to put some of the ideas you think of, or some of the conversations down on paper.
Today, here are ten journaling prompts to get you started
Today I feel _______
I always dream about ______
My nagging inner voice keeps telling me to ______
The thoughts that roll around my head are ______
My soul longs to ______
What I’m most afraid of is ______
My inner critic tells me _______
I am most grateful for _______
I feel most useful when I’m _______
I want to start ___________ this week

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Alone time: In a place where nothing else really matters.
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E14
Mindfulness state of being... in a place where nothing else really matters.
Last week I was down with the flu.
Couldn’t move, didn’t feel like doing anything except focusing on healing.
Here are a few observations.
I was alone. This is not a bad thing at all. In fact, I think I was right where God wanted me.
No distractions.
He could speak, and since I’m focused, I could hear.
Another thing that I noticed was that the things that I felt were “must be dones”, were no longer as important as they seemed when I could jump up and do them right away.
Things I wanted to do...
Not as important as my focus.
The people I wanted to talk to...
Not as important as my focus.
The videos I wanted to shoot...
Not as important as my focus.
Even what I thought the people might want from me while I was down.
It just was not as important as my focus.
My focus seemed to contain the healing, clarity, and presence I was looking for.
And nothing else mattered.
How important is your alone time?

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
SCFR3: Creating a Value Circle
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E13
Smart Couples Finish Rich 3: Creating a Value Circle
Recap: Money Mindset - Money helps you to:
Our values have influence over the way we think about the purpose of money, but maybe not how we spend it.
The way we spend it, (in my opinion) comes from how we have been Taught to spend it.
Today we are going to work on a value circle, which will help us to start to live and spend according to our values.
You want to ask yourself:
What’s really important?
What’s the purpose of money in my life?
When working in this order, (Be, do, have) you accomplish living your values (Be) and achieve goals (Do & Have), which leads to a very fulfilled life.
Fill your value circle:
Ask - What’s really important to me?
Stay focused on values vs goals
Values are a state of being
Goals are usually what you are trying to do or want to have
The 5 Core values you write helps you to stay on track
Try to spend according to your values for 12 mos and see if there is a dramatic change in your life!
#values #smart #couples #rich #money #goals #finances

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Flexing your prayer muscle
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E12
Flexing your prayer muscle
Focusing on plenty will produce plenty
Focusing on lack will only produce more lack
Because what you focus on grows.
John Maxwell says the keys to focusing is priorities and concentration. I’d like to mix in with this intentional actions. What you are after will surely become closer when you operate in all three. The more intensity, the quicker the results.
Just like the physical body, for there to be change:
you have to decide to change. (Made up your mind)
you have to be willing to change. (Use willpower)
You have to be determined to change. (Stay with it until you see results)
Your growth will come from your changes.
You can’t expect to get better results from doing the same thing you always do.
If I want to enhance the whole body, I can’t only do leg day. I have to be holistic in my intentions.
Prayer too, I can’t focus on just myself and money, God Didn’t set it up that way. Actually, when you try to pray without ceasing, it will show you that you can only talk about yourself for a short period of time.

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Top Ten Tuesday: Focusing Inward!
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E11
Focusing Inward - Being focused on many fronts will spread you too thin to be effective.
What is focus? Focus is the gateway to thinking: Perception, memory, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making.
Having our minds occupied with too many goals will be hard to maintain, so here are 10 reasons why you should focus inward.
Too many goals at one time makes it hard to have win/win thinking on so many fronts.
Overseeing too many projects at once will result in you overlooking important details.
Brain breaks are necessary to recharge your creative battery
Your goal will only be as good as the actions you take to execute them, make them count
How you focus your goals will directly affect how they will influence others
Being focused allows you to tune in (inward) to tap into your unlimited potential
Focus allows you to gain speed to accomplish your vision
Focusing inward builds self-control
Focusing will cut stress. Stress from conflict between mind and spirit
Focusing inward builds insight to what you need. Especially to build strength to ask for help when you take on too much
#selfhelp #focus #strength #meditation #clarity

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Mindset Monday: Life Makeovers 2
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E10
“Everything you need is in this room” - Kris Murray
Most of the time when we are searching for ourselves, or trying to figure out what the right path is for us to take, we search high and low outside of our greatest resource. God speaking to the heart and mind.
We get torn away from this idea because of social media, commercials, friends, life telling you what you need is: ______________.
But God has infinite intelligence and is willing to share what you need if you are able to listen to Him. That “something” that you search for is usually so close that we miss it.
Look inward
A few suggestions to look inward she gives is:
Keep a journal of your thoughts
Capture your dreams
Check in with your Support
Develop your spiritual life
Take time out to listen to your inner self.
Prayer and meditation works wonders, and most people will not do it for lack of time. To gain time for it, you might have to schedule it until it becomes a priority for you.
The more you listen to your inner being, the more trust you can have that everything you need is in the room!
#lookwithin #answers #soulsearching #selfhelp

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Unblocking Finances! Smart Couples Finish Rich 2
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E09 - Your life values should determine every life decision you make.
What is the purpose of money in your life?
Your values should help you answer this question.
But Sometimes it’s hard to determine values because everyone is so different. My values might not be the same as yours. Not only that, but the things we PLACE VALUE ON maybe very different also.
But watch this, if you look at what you want to spend money on, a lot of times it’s easy to come up with 1 million things that you would buy, and we might not have a problem agreeing that that’s the path we should take.
Money allows you to:
Be - be who you are. Money allows you toLive in a particular way that defines you.
Do - Do what you want to do. Money later allows you to do the things that would help you live the way you want.
Have - have the things that you want. Money allows you to have the things that you want.
#Finances #rich #couples #Smart #money

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
The slow nullification of having more than enough (that’s a good thing)
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
#UnBlockYourself2020 E08 -
The slow nullification of having more than enough (that’s a good thing)
I know it’s kind of weird for the title, but that’s what I got for this Wednesday as we focus on the spirit.
To boil a frog alive you can’t just throw him in a pot of boiling hot water, nope. He’ll bounce right out of that thing! What has to happen is that he sits in his environment and the temperature gets raised ever so slightly, Little by little, and he doesn’t even know what’s happening.
Same thing happens to us morally and spiritually, we get so used to the norm being pushed in the wrong direction that we consider barely acceptable things now common even though we could not even image it a few years back.
But on a positive note, the same can happen on the flipside. You can stay in God‘s presence enough to where miracles can be common place, or hearing His voice is just second nature to you, and it would be very normal to see God move on your behalf.
So, here are a few keys to having “common place abundance”:
laying a foundation: decide that you have more than enough
Doing things little by little: be grateful for everything
Keep the mindset before you, and you’ll see it everywhere!
#abundance #morethanenough