
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Well this was unexpected.
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Learning from failures can be tough sometimes, but if you are learning the lessons, it will catapult you towards your success.
Everything works together for your good!
“The fastest way to success is to double your failure rate.” - Thomas Watson, Sr.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Focus Shift From Failing
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
So how do we become a little clearer on the things we need to bring us out of the fog? We need to snap out of focusing on failing and shift it in to what it really is, a lesson being taught. When we start to shift that focus, we can start to come up with a better plan of attack.
Right now as it stands, my Japanese is no better than it was from last week. But since I understand the problems, it seems my lessons have suddenly taught me tings I really wanted to know, my understanding of things like grammar and kanji have just opened up to a new level, and the biggest part, God is showing me why I need to do things to get to where I’m going. That may be the biggest thing. A renewed sense of “why”.
This is the key. A more intense, clearer, “why” has given me an incredible boost in morale, focus, and determination to fail in a good way. I’m ready to make mistakes and learn from them. There isn’t much fear when you are wanting to fail!!!

Monday Apr 18, 2022
On and Off the Path of Failure
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
As I mentioned before, because I was unclear in the things I wanted to say in Japanese, I couldn’t even begin to start to learn the necessary tools I would need to be successful at it. I called it being in the fog.
Being in the fog will almost undoubtedly put you directly on the path to failure. I was on it. The problem is this, when most of us find ourselves on this path, even though we know we’re on it, we stay on it. What keeps you on the path to un-success? To be simple, usually you. How? Like this:
We usually stay on the path by not taking responsibility. “It’s not my fault”, is usually the start of blame shifting. Because it’s out of your hands, you cannot take yourself off the path, the person at fault will have to do it.
Giving up is a sure-fire way to stay on that path to failure. In basketball, it has been said that you miss 100% of the shots you do not take. Also when you aim for “nothing” you will hit it every time.
Last thing that keeps us on that path is excuses. This usually stem from a place of being comfortable with where you are. Every reason you have not to move forward, is also the reason you have given yourself of why you want to be where you are. That is, if you are not trying to do something about it.
What can you change today to switch paths from unsuccessful to successful?

Friday Apr 15, 2022
In the Fog
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
As I was talking with my Japanese teacher yesterday she said something that caught my attention. I was explaining that I wanted to get over the language barrier keeping me from having confidence in speaking. A harsh summary of her reply was this, it’s not that you’re hitting a barrier, (not the language) it’s you. Since you are unclear on what you want to say, you can’t even begin to approach what you want to say in an entirely different language.
Now, a light of hope is starting to shine in the cloudiness. I have information that tells me the root of the problem, so what do i do with it? I have to be clear in what I want, what I want to say, also in what I want to do. The clearer the path to victory, or accomplishing the goals i set, the easier it is for me to stay on the path leading to it. Otherwise, I will definitely end up on the path to fear, failure, and frustration.

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Anti-Fear and Failure Statements
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
What do you say about yourself?
How are you feeling towards yourself?
Sometimes what we see, know, and think about God and what He has for us does not line up with how we feel.
For me, I know that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made, and made in His likeness, but I feel stupid, old, and ugly inside and out. This is where faith and belief overcome current situations that temporarily feed us lies and circumstances that keep us down in a depressive hole.
Since everyone’s circumstances are different, write down some constant feelings you have, and the truth you need to hear.
Some of these statements you come up with may not be for a positive pep talk, they may require action to fulfill. Do the work. See the results.
If I feel fat, powerless, and overweight, what can I tell myself that I’m not? My image that I have of myself may not currently match the positive view, so that means I’m going to have to make changes to come out of that cycle that is keeping in the state that I’m in. Reminding myself daily can help keep on track to achieve the goals and image I have of myself.

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Failing To Success
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Failing to Success:
You may be wondering what that means.
Failing, or plans that fail, are lessons. This is the entry point for your idea to become the success it has been destined to be. We’ll name it “START”.
When the lesson comes about, there is a fork in the road to success:
Pathway 1: Give up, crash and burn, or just ignore the lesson.
Result: Return to START and try again.
Pathway 2: Learn from lesson, Take action on learned lesson.
Result: Small or great victory accomplished, success achieved, or next lesson on the way to success will start.
Normally, either you go back and start again, or you go forward towards your goal until you have achieved it.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Fighting Fear and Failure
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
We're starting up a new session of talks!
Fighting Fear: Being motivated to action to counter our fears.
Fighting the fear of failure, because failure is the pathway to success.
Let's Go!

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Seeing Beyond Sight
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” This was Michelangelo describing his process for carving marble. “In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it.”
This is vision, to be able to see what is, beyond the current state it is in. Some people see blank canvases, others may see art works already displayed in a museum, and the blank canvas is just waiting for someone come and paint it.
Using your vision allows you to see what would be if action is applied, not just currently what is as is. Since we are all different, have different likes, dislikes, experiences, and different points of view, our vision will cause many people to see the same thing in many different ways. (And its okay!)
#kaizenmoai #UnBlockYourself #podcast